As part of our work to address California’s opioid epidemic and accelerate hospital progress to reduce opioid related deaths we’ve amassed a collection of practical, evidence-based resources. Many of these resources have been developed by California hospitals and opioid coalitions. In the spirit of peer learning these resources are publicly available here. Embedded within this resource library you will also find tools to actively engage patients, families, and friends in appropriate opioid use. If you have any questions and/or would like to share a resource that has helped your hospital in addressing the opioid crisis please contact Alex Stack, Director at
1. Foundational resources
Our short list of must-read resources for all hospitals, at any state in their journey to improve SUD care and provide SUD care for all.
Show Resources2. Safe & Effective Opioid Use
a. Appropriate Opioid Discharge Prescribing Guidelines – Practical, evidence-based discharge prescribing guidelines to prevent new starts in opioid naïve patients and for patients on opioids to manage chronic pain.
Show Resourcesb. Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Management – Evidence based, multi-modal, non-opioid approaches to analgesia for patients with chronic pain and those with acute pain associated with headache, lumbar radiculopathy, musculoskeletal pain, renal colic, and fracture/dislocation.
Show Resources3. SUD Identification & Treatment
a. Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Program – Resources to jump start or enhance your MAT program for patients identified as having SUD or in withdrawal and how to continue MAT for patients in active treatment.
Show Resourcesb. Timely Follow Up Care – Tools to coordinate follow up care for patients on MAT within 72 hours either in the hospital or outpatient setting.
Show Resources4. Harm Reduction Strategies
a. Resources to start or expand your hospital’s harm reduction services.
Show Resources5. Cross Cutting Best Practices
a. Organizational Infrastructure – How to make opioid safety a strategic priority with multi-stakeholder buy in and programmatic support to drive continued/sustained improvements in opioid safety
Show Resourcesb. Address Stigma with Physicians & Staff – How to educate and promote the medical model of addiction across all departments to facilitate disease recognition and stigma reduction
Show Resources6. Webinar Series Resources
2019 Honor Roll Webinar Series
- Addressing California’s Opioid Epidemic – Introducing the Opioid Care Honor Roll (May 9, 2019)
- Beyond adopting prescribing guidelines: monitoring and strengthening the prescribing patterns of clinicians (Jun 6, 2019)
- Initiating MAT in the hospital: Unique aspects from the ED and inpatient settings (Jul 10, 2019)
- The nuts and bolts of dispensing naloxone to high-risk patients and their support systems (Aug 27, 2019)
- Emerging measures in the hospital setting for safe opioid management in the hospital setting (Sept 12,2019)
- Engaging California Hospitals to Address the Opioid Crisis – results and learnings from the 2019 pilot year
2020 Opioid Webinar Series
- How to capture & keep attention on the CA opioid epidemic: engaging care teams, staff, patients & families in change (Jun 23, 2020)
- Harm reduction strategies: a multi-pronged approach to reducing opioid
related deaths (Jul 14, 2020)
- Leveraging community partners: a team-based approach to opioid care (Aug 12, 2020)
- Cutting edge strategies in opioid care: innovative approaches in CA hospitals (Sept 10, 2020)
- Office hours: 2020 Opioid Safe Hospital Self-Assessment Q&A (Sept 22 & Oct 6, 2020 – 30 min ea.)
2021 Opioid Webinar Series
- Opioid Care Honor Roll Launch Webinar (Jun 23, 2021)
- Sharing & spreading bright spots: A fireside chat, (Sept 20, 2021)
- Peer Learning Office Hrs: Data Storytelling – Ins and Outs of Measuring Opioid Stewardship, (October 22, 2021)
- How to Create and Leverage an Opioid Stewardship Committee: A fireside Chat (November 17, 2021)
- Office Hours: How to Apply for the 2021 Opioid Care Honor Roll (December 10, 2021)
- Podcast Alex Stack, Director of Cal Healthcare Compare, recently chatted with Terri Vidals of Rxpert Solutions, about Cal Hospital Compare’s 2021 Opioid Care Honor Roll Program (March 2022)
2022 Opioid Webinar Series
- Office Hours: How to Apply for the 2021 Opioid Care Honor Role (January 27, 2022)
2023 Opioid Webinar Series
- Opioid Care Honor Roll Launch Webinar (August 17, 2022)